I wonder how it feels : to put in your best effort and still be unsuccessful. To be told that " it wasn't your day" and that " God must have some other plan for you" by people who don't give a shit about it. Wouldn't such a failure make you doubt yourself? If it does, then ,Roger said the perfect thing during the presentation :" God, It's killing me!". Because self-belief is everything. Ultimately everybody has similar talent levels...... its Self - Belief that gets you out of the pile and puts you at the top.
Anyway Roger, you played like a king . Its just that Nadal was the better player on the night.He showed amazing reserves of resilience and character , and in my opinion, was a deserving winner.
What transpired during the presentation was touching. OK , it has happened in the past as well. But one didn't expect Roger to vent his emotions . Now that it has been done I hope he will emerge with a lighter heart , and hopefully as the year progresses, as a better player.
What was also quite remarkable was the camaraderie Roger shared with Nadal. No doubt Rafa's fans are obnoxious....but the lad is pure gold. Especially what he said to Roger after the defeat. A flip-flopping bitch of a person would have said stuff like " everything happens for a reason"(or worse, would have joined an orkut community to shed similar crocodile tears !) or something similarly shitty. But like a true champion , and as a man, he called on Roger to compete again next year, indirectly telling Roger that he believed in him . NO FALSE EMOTIONS. Rafa,thanks for your sincerity.

The rivalry only gets more intriguing........
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